Thursday, August 19, 2010

I gave my friend some bad medical advice, can I be held liable?

My friend was facing a difficult medical situation. i gave some advice and things went horribly wrong.

Please see the following for details:;鈥?/a>

Can I be held liable?

ThanksI gave my friend some bad medical advice, can I be held liable?
First - am glad I clicked the second link.

Second. You're silly!

Third - better get a second opinion. ... er, maybe that should be the second thing on the list !!

LOLI gave my friend some bad medical advice, can I be held liable?
Thats your friends fault. He or she should know better
I think it was her time to go anyway. Just keep your mouth shut so her family won't know it's your fault.

By the way, this advice is to be used at your own risk. Answerer is not responsible for any unfavorable happenings due to the use of this advice.
Does it matter? She was an elderly woman.

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