Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Has there ever been a time when u wanted soem really badly, but followed Buddha's advice?

Has there ever been a time when u wanted soem really badly, but followed Buddha's advice??

I'd like to have it in full detail, if u please =D

Ithe four noble truths have changed my life big time!Has there ever been a time when u wanted soem really badly, but followed Buddha's advice?
yes, there have been several times and thinking about the teachings of the Buddha made it clear to me that I was involved in doing wrong action.

The Buddhas teachings are both inspirational as well as motivational.Has there ever been a time when u wanted soem really badly, but followed Buddha's advice?
No. I am sorry to disappoint you but I have never followed Buddha's advice. I follow the bible. I have life changing experiences with it on a regular basis. I cannot count the times.

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