Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have been nominated as treasurer for my son's football league. Any tips or advice?

I used to be senior staff accountant for a large corporation but have rec'd many comments stating ooh be careful..lot of work..hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Is there a book I can buy for best practices for a non-profit organization?I have been nominated as treasurer for my son's football league. Any tips or advice?
The ';best practices'; are the simplest ones. A pencil and notebook might be your solution. The only thing that matters is that all moneys are accounted for. Since this is not an income - generating operation , you should only be taking in money once or twice a season. And the money always comes from the same place .... the parents.

You keep receipts for all expenses but there shouldn't be many.

One line in the journal for your expenses and one for your ';incoming money';. Don't let it become complicated.

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