Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the difference between Advice and Opinion?

Advice is from an expert like a doctor or lawyer. Opinion is more subjective.What is the difference between Advice and Opinion?
advice should be based on fact and opinion should be based on feelings. But that is not how it usually works. They are normally lumped as one meaningWhat is the difference between Advice and Opinion?
advice is recommended

opinion is by choice
An advice is a well-advised opinion.
Advice usually involves an opinion (In my opinion, you should do such %26amp; such), but not all opinions involve advice (for instance, if I say it is my opinion that my hometown baseball team is the greatest, there is no advice given).
In my Opinion, Opinion is my own thing., how I feel, nothing to do with you.

But My advice is to tell you what you should do., Advice focuses more you than me.
Advice is usually something asked for.. Opinions are what people think u care to hear or just they want to tell you.. IF I asked someone what to do, that's advice.. On the other hand everyone in my life seems to want to tell me their opinion on aspects on my life that are NONE of their business.
Don't you know ?
advice (uncountable)

An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel.

An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified.
Advice is going through a bad experience and letting someone else know so they don't make the same one. Opinion is what you think.
Hmm...interesting question.

Advice I think is more objective while opinion is subjective.

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