Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am coming out to my brother and sister tomorrow and I am scared. Any advice?

I am really really scared and even though I do not believe they will have that big of a problem with it, I need some advice and a confidence booster. My friends are trying to help me stay supportive as well. My brother and sister love me to death and I continuously ask them if they will love me no matter what, and they say ';yes.'; But none-the-less I am still scared! Any help or advice? THANK YOU!I am coming out to my brother and sister tomorrow and I am scared. Any advice?
You will be SOOO respected for coming out. It shows u are comfortable with who u r. Dont be dramatic. be watching tv with them, then when a hot celebrity of ur gender comes up, say 'wow, he/she is so hot!' Ur brother and sister might be like 'huh?'. if they are, just be like 'o, im gay'I am coming out to my brother and sister tomorrow and I am scared. Any advice?
Just go straight out and tell them. Don't lead up to it because then you might choke up or get scared or something. It seems like you have a really close bond with your siblings and if they say that they'll love you no matter what, you should trust them. Being gay shouldn't really be such a big deal, your stll the same person that they love, its not like you'll act any different. If anything, this will bring you closer to your siblings, they're still going to love you. Love is unconditional, just go for it.
Look at it this way, if they are older than you, they already know...this is really about you being okay with saying it out loud...not them accepting you. You are scared because you haven't done it before.

Don't think about being scared...concentrate on all the good things that will happen when it is out in the open. Of course, you could also call them right now...ask them if they have 5 minutes...if they say yes...tell them that what you were planning to do tomorrow and you are getting stressed out so you decided just to get it over with now. (Tell them they don't have to say anything just wanted to de-stress and let them know that you love them and value their love %26amp; support)

My brothers and sister are all younger than me and they all knew before I got around to telling them (in my early 20's).
well i think its good tht your coming out you should always just be urself and u shouldnt be worried they love you i mean whether your straight or not they will always be your brother and sister no matter what although they may have to get use to it they should except u and keep loving you just the same they may love you more for being honest with them

good luck i hope this helps
The first answerer has a point but I don't exactly agree, I think that if you just go for it you won't have to live with knowing that you're too afraid to say it and worry if you'll ever be able to. Tell them that they mean so much to you and you've been afraid to tell them for a while because you don't want to be judged but you're gay/lesbian and you're happy that way.
just think of it like this;they love you now so they will love you after you tell them.

they will probably thank you for being honest to them and i wouldnt worry about it. Everyones different and your sexual desires male or female shouldnt matter. Trust Me;Be yourself and not be ashamed of it! be proud! Im not bi or anything but if i was i would come out. as long as your happy they should be too!

good luck! :]
Tell them straight out. Don't hint at it because then they may not take you seriously or believe you.
If you're scared, you're not ready. Do it when you feel it's right.

Good luck anyways!
It's normal.

I was shaking when I did.

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