Sunday, August 22, 2010

Could i be pregnant please give me some advice?

i came off the combined pill two months ago, as i have been trying for a baby, i have had period like cramps for the past week, im due on my period today an i have expericed period like cramps but no period i need some help could i be pregnant? thanksCould i be pregnant please give me some advice?
personally when i was pregnant i had period pains but never any periods so the cramps could have been an early missed period which is an indication of being pregnant!

either way even if you get your period have an early pregnancy test you may just be pregnant

good luckCould i be pregnant please give me some advice?
This happened to me - My little girl is now 17 months old. :-)

Good luck!
have you had unprotected sex?

myy friend has gone through this be4 well supposablyy butt yeah you can bee you should go get checked at thee doctorrs?

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