Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need to lose alooot of weight??any advice will be helpful,thanx!?

ok so im 16 years old, 5'3, and 156lbs.i just became a vegan like two weeks ago because i know it will help my health a lot and i already work out an hour each day..anybody know what else i could do to help me lose weight?? i want to lose around 30 lbs...any advice is helpful thankz!!I need to lose alooot of weight??any advice will be helpful,thanx!?
Please don't do anything drastic or harmful in order to lose weight. Your body and mind need the nutrients that a healthy diet provides. I have struggled for so long with weight issues and eating disorders, and trust me, what eating disorders do to your mind is not worth it. Diets don't work in the long term, because weight loss is about life-style changes. I am planning to join weight watchers in January, because there you have support and accountability in making those changes. Losing weight really fast isn't healthy, and it isn't long-term either, because in my experience, you can start to feel deprived, and then go on a massive binge and totally derail. Been there, done that.

Remember, the essence of who you are is far more than your physical appearance. Even though your body is part of who you are, you are much more than your body.

Good luck and peace of mind to you.I need to lose alooot of weight??any advice will be helpful,thanx!?
First of all, if you are a sixteen year old girl, i am not sure if you want to lose weight now. If you do, then when you become, say thirty, your metabolism is going to be messed up, and you will be over weight. Anyway, if you eat 5000 calories over a period of six times a day, and exercise for about 45-60 min a day, then you will lose weight, and you don't have to starve yourself!!
I've been doing this for like 2 1/2 weeks and I've lost 26 so far. But keep in mind this may not be the healthiest route. But considering your weight and height, it's not going to cause any problems for you, except maybe make you a bit weak for a while.

Day 1: No food, no exercise. Liquids only, mainly water.

For days 2-7, pick one:

a. All liquid diet. You need to drink stuff with some sugar in it though, to keep you going. Exercise: Do the highest level of interval workout that you can (interval is going from a meduim walking speed to a running speed, and back down again over and over. 30 seconds on the run-time, 1min 30 seconds walk). Do as many other exercises as you feel nessisary,but at least do one. (ex: Sit ups, lunges, squats, pushups, wall-sits, punches)


b. 200-400 calories. Interval exercise (30-60 min.), then situps and lunges. Do as many of the examples listed above as you want as extras. Eat all food before 3pm. After 3pm, only 0 calorie drinks.

With both of the above, drink 2-3 liters of water a day.

Days 8 %26amp; up: You can have either one ';bad'; thing everyday and nothing else, or you can have 600-800 cal. Interval exercise, strength training. (45-60 min. altogether). You can cut back to 2 liters of water a day. If you go with the one ';bad'; thing route, then eat it between 8am and 4 pm. Exercise at 5pm or later.
First off, fresh fruits and vegetables are always a good thing for anyone-not just those on a diet. Vegetables like celery (along with several other veggies and fruits) are often considered ';free foods'; meaning you can nearly eat as much as you'd like without having to worry about its consequences. You can have about two full sticks of celery and its only 20 calories-so if you need something to snack on, try that. Also, exercise is very important. I walk at least twice a day for thirty minutes each and stick to a diet of about 1800 calories. I was able to lose forty pounds in about four months doing this; I didn't starve myself and I never felt deprived (fruits, and vegetables were most important and milk/yogurt was also a main staple for me). One last piece of advice-find someone you can talk to about things; whether you are struggling to eat healthy or get out and exercise, talking to someone who understands your situation is always helpful and they can often encourage you to do your best. Please remember, too, that once you lose the weight, it can be difficult to maintain; you need to figure out how to balance out eating and exercise to maintain the weight your at. Best of luck in your endeavors; I hope you can approach this in a healthy way without starving yourself...

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