Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best advice you ever got in regards to money?

u need to respect it....What is the best advice you ever got in regards to money?
A penny saved is a penny earned. It took me a long time to really realized it thought, but is a definitely the best advice that I ever hear regarding money.What is the best advice you ever got in regards to money?
1. INVEST! INVEST! INVEST! Make sure to spend money on investments that will really last and will increase its value like land for example. Real estate is a really good investment for everyone and I think that everyone should save for it.

2. Have only one credit card with the lowest limit. I am telling you, if you want to save money, have only one credit card that you can use for emergencies.

3. If you're a student, only bring enough money that will last for one day. Emergencies should be the only time where you should make withdrawals on your account.
pay yourself first and invest in a good investment.Meaning pay yourself at least %10 if what u get per week or whatever and invest in something like a mutual fund or something like that.
When you have money in the bank and the bill comes in, pay it right away.

Do not wait until it's due. If you do, there will be always something to spend the money on -if it is in the bank- and by the time bill is due, you may not have it.

You have to pay it anyway, so why wait.

Also, every time you get a paycheck, put a little into a savings account . This way you can prepare for bigger bills like house insurance,house taxes, car insurance.....ahead of time, when they are due, you'll have all the money to pay it.

I think it is a wrong thing to have property tax and house insurance bundled into escrow together with monthly mortgage payment. You lender can one day say ';we estimate that next year taxes will go up 30% ...'; and they will raise your monthly payment to a dangerous level. Even if they return your money at the end of the year if raise in taxes does not happen, imagine what it would do to you if your monthly payment would rise so high.It almost killed my neighbor.
Well, if you have an average return of 9% on an investment (which is a realistic percentage if you aren't day trading), then your money will double in approximatly 8 years (if you reinvest your earnings and dividends). So, when you go to spend that $50 on a pair of jeans some Saturday, remember that it will be $100 in 8 years, assuming you invested it. Are the jeans really worth $100 to you or would you rather have the $100 in 8 years, at which point you could buy the same pair of jeans and still have your $50 dollars. Moral: Invest! But consult a financial advisor near you first.

In order to invest for retirement or your kids' college expenses, you have to start by saving some of your earnings.

In order to have a downpayment for a car or a house, you have to save.

Saving is the first step to financial well-being. You won't get anywhere unless you first can save.
Save it, for there will come a time down the road that you will be glad you did.
Stop spending on your credit cards, and pay them off. Make sure you always have $1000 somewhere for emergencies, so that you don't have to spend on your credit card. Then start saving and invest your money.
Spend less than you earn. Pay off CC every month. Save for things rather than finance them.

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