Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice pls, I am 35 weeks with #2 and I have been having extreme low pressure, my abdomen is constantly tight?

It doesn't quite seem like contractions bc it feels like it never stops. Not so painful as much as uncomfortable. I have called the dr and am waiting to hear back but I also have an apt tomorrow anyway but does this sound like early labor?Advice pls, I am 35 weeks with #2 and I have been having extreme low pressure, my abdomen is constantly tight?
I'm 36 weeks and the baby has been putting lots of pressure on my pelvic area. I think it's just the head settling down into the birth canal patiently waiting until D-Day.Advice pls, I am 35 weeks with #2 and I have been having extreme low pressure, my abdomen is constantly tight?
thats around the same time i started having those feelings with sharp shooting pains on my cervix. went to my appt 4 days later and absolutely nothing goin on, babys head was still high no changes on the cervix. and i started thinkiin thats probably just around the time u start feeling that, gettin ready for the big day n all.
I'm 36 weeks with my 2nd and have been having this weird pinching and sore muscles pain in my pelvic area and where my leg connects to pelvic area. But it doesn't really sound like early labor if there not painful contractions. could just be the way babies laying on something?
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