Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can I still be of help or give advice..?

I have had a few people tell me since my daughter had a baby one month shy of her 16 birthday. and that I am not married or did some not good things in my past, that I should never be aloud to give advice to anyone...

I try to tell them, when asked, to learn from my mistakes and to do what I have done and if I had to do it over again I would do things WAY different ..

Does my past make not of no help to any one..?Can I still be of help or give advice..?
Ignore the people that tell you this!

Everyone makes mistakes in life and nobody is perfect, also everybody has a right to share their opinion, so keep awnsering questions and ignore everyone else, who knows maybe someone out there is needing advice on something that you have been through plus by sharing your stories people may learn from your experience instead of making the mistake for themselfs!Can I still be of help or give advice..?
I think it is a noble goal if you want to prevent people from repeating your mistakes.

If they do not want your advice then, you need not give any.

By simply sharing your experiences woud be enough to allow people to learn from you and it will motivate them to change themselves so that they do not have to go through yor experiences.

Importantly, you should be able to show people that despite all those mistakes, you became a better person and able to rise after your falls.
As long as your heart is in the right place...sure. I believe everyone has something to bring to the table. Just know that there will always be folks looking at you cross-ways for having a daughter who gave birth at 15, which is sooooo wrong on soooo many levels. Unfortunately for you, her giving birth at 15 will likely be viewed as a reflexion on your parenting, and as long as you are open and willing to dealing with the criticisms that will likely be leveled against you as a result of that, feel free to share your heart and feelings. ...I won't say any more here because I've said enough and I'm about to say something that may offend you and I certainly don't want to do that. Just know that people have very strong feelings about babies having babies. I know I do. Good luck : )
I appreciate your humility and willingness to share advice from your heart. It takes a lot of courage and love to share your past and mistakes to help people.

Why not tell them your advice? You've been there. You've done that. You learned from it. Of course you can share your advice. Just look at those who do not have anything valuable to say and are still babbling.
I think it gives you more of the right to give advice.I am the same way, you are living proof of what not to do and how to overcome it and grow from it.

Just being told not to by someone is like how would you know.In your case you can be like don't do this and this is why...I have BEEN THERE DONE THAT.
People can always change . Are you willing to make changes,if yes then your advice should be valued. I am sure you have helped people in the past and the present and you will in the future. The people that tell you not to give advice those are the people that there advice should not be valued. Good luck in all that you do. Georgia
You can ALWAYS give advice. It just depends on if anyone wants to take take that advice.
No, I think if you have failed you are in no position to give advice to others.
Congrats on daughter's baby.

Sounds like some of these people need urgent 24hr medical care.

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