Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am a sophomore in HS and will be moving from NJ to NC, what advice can make this any easier?

When I was a Sophomore I moved from California to Virginia. It was hard to move in the middle of HS, and some what of a culture shock to me. But I learned a valuable lesson. I learned that I could start over and really be the person that I was, being true to my values with out worrying about what my friends would think of me. Moving gave me a clean slate. I made new friends the knew me for who I was and that was cool.

Another thing I learned was that in my first 2 years in HS I was concerned about what others thought of me, the way I looked and dressed, and the way I cut my hair etc. When I moved I changed my hair style and the style of clothes I wore. I kind of re invented my self and I was comfortable with who I was with out worrying about the friends I had in CA and what they would think. I had new friend who got to know the new me.

Take advantage of having a clean slate.

I recently had my 20th reunion. Many of the lessons I learned from moving have served me well in the rest of my life. Just be friendly, and you will make friends. Moving from the North to the South will be a big change. Enjoy the differences, but don't dwell on them too much. Learn from a new perspective move forward. Try not to compare NJ and NC too much. Live for the future do not dwell too much on the past.I am a sophomore in HS and will be moving from NJ to NC, what advice can make this any easier?
be patient, smile and just try to make friends, don't make fun of the accent, because you are now the one with the accent.I am a sophomore in HS and will be moving from NJ to NC, what advice can make this any easier?
well, I just moved here (NC) from maryland, and I love it here!! NC is the best kept secret in the world! Its the people! they are the best. second is the fact that their is everything you want and need here. I love it.
realizing that life begins at graduation. Understanding that this is your first step in coming to terms with the real meaning of ';the only thing constant is change!';
Stay in jersey i moved to MI from south jersey and wish i hadnt theres no place like NJ
Smile a lot (but dont be weird about it) and don't talk bad about anyone, no matter what you hear.. and try to be friends with anyone who talks to you.
  • blushed
  • revlon
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