Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Guys or Girls please give me some advice, anything would be appreciated?

I really like this guy I met last semester in college. He seems like he likes me he is always teasing me and giving me this really long eye contact. I flirt with him back, but it is like he don't get that I like him. How can I show him I have feelings for him without coming out and saying it. Please don't tell me to tell him, because if he don't really like me, I don't want to feel uncomfortable the rest of the semester and have to look at him.Guys or Girls please give me some advice, anything would be appreciated?
well if you didn't know, he's wondering what you're wondering. from what he's been doing, he absolutely loves you but is scared to see how you react if he told you. you just need to make it distinct to him that you like him like talking to him more, being close to him, and doing what you wouldn't do with your other guy friends. just keep making eye contact, keep flirting and see how he responds. read his body language, if its positive, just ask him out or something. i know he likes you but doesn't want to ruin the friendship,so just be like you wanna go out for a coffee sometime and he'd be like yea, i'd love to. if hes treating you special then he most likely likes you but idk you have to ask him out b/c he sounds shy. you dont have to tell him that you like him, but you can go out one nite just you and him and wen he drops u off, go like ur gonna kiss him and if he kisses you and enagaes in it then its positive that he likes you. hope that helped.im sure things will work outGuys or Girls please give me some advice, anything would be appreciated?
There is no hope to this situation.
he must be retarded, ???? don t know what to do with out been blunt....
Move on. If the guy is clueless, he doesn't deserve you.
try to slyly ask him out. start asking him to go get coffee or to go eat or hang out with friends. start including him in things. He should get the hint that you want to hang out with him and you are flirting with him. boys aren't that dumb.
dress sexy and get him hot..
Here's the sucky thing: guys really are pretty slow when it comes to catching on to a girl liking them.

I swear, I've liked someone for four months (count 'em four!) and it is only NOW that I THINK he's realised.

The eye contact and the teasing suggest that he likes you too, but if you're too scared to be like, ';Hey, yeah, I like you'; just casually ask him to do something with you on the weekend (movies, zoo, concert, whatever).

Good Luck!

How about you ask him ';out'; (not as a date but as friends) for coffee or something were it will give him a chance to talk 1-1.
The only way you are going to know is if you keep chilling with him, ask him to come hang with you every now and then and exchange numbers. If he starts inviting you places Im sure eventually he'll want to date you, if he wants to. If not then there is nothing wrong with being just friends.
ask a friend to ask or show in action if you guys are more than friends.
Maybe you could touch him softly and try to impress him.
maybe try to offer to hook him with someone?

cuz if he really do like u, he should turn the offer down

or maybe try to pretend u are dating someone else

if he gets jealous then bingo

but personally, i think the guy should make the first move.
thx for the 2 points
  • blushed
  • revlon
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