Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I don't know if I want to be single, or be in a relationship. Advice?

I just got out of a relationship with someone I really love. He broke up with me and it has left me in pieces. I like his friend, but I've already been told to avoid him. What do I do?I don't know if I want to be single, or be in a relationship. Advice?
I think I would stay away. You need some time to get yourself together after ending this relationship. Depending on how long you were together and if it was a serious relationship It may take a few months or more. I would avoid getting into a relationship with a guy you have been warned about. Can you trust that warning, did it come from a reputable source? I think I would take some time.I don't know if I want to be single, or be in a relationship. Advice?
until you are convinced of what you really want ,dont begin what you cant end.
yea avoid him for a while. you need a couple months to cool off and get over your ex, or else your new bf will feel like you're not giving him your full attention
Perhaps there's good reason to avoid him, yeah?

Anyway... Maybe you should really give yourself some time to heal... and dating on the rebound doesn't count as a good way to heal..because you just might hurt someone else in the process.. So rediscover yourself, reflect on the things you've done before, like mistakes or bad calls.. And then slowly pick yourself up. Enjoy your single-blessedness... If you can feel how it is to be single again, maybe you'll learn to appreciate it.. and learn to appreciate the next relationship even more.. Ball's in your court. :)
The best thing you can do is give yourself as much time as you need to completely get over the last relationship, especially since there were so many emotions involved.

You may be feeling the need to jump right into another relationship to fill the gap but you need to be fair to yourself as well as the next guy you get involved with. No guy or gal honestly wants to get into a relationship with someone who is not over their ex. All that guy will be to you is a filler or a rebound. You won't be over your ex and will be expecting the new guy to fill his shoes and you will only get hurt again once he doesn't do it for you ('cause he won't) or he realizes the position he is filling, whatever comes first.

Obviously I don't know the reasons you were told to avoid his friend but I would avoid him anyways simply because he is his friend. You will always be reminded of of your ex and it will only prolong the healing time. Stay clear of him until you are ready to hear some unwanted things about your ex like his new girlfriend or just hearing his name without feeling that burning in your gut.

Enjoy being single. Get reacquainted with yourself and just have fun! Once your comfortable being single again then it may be time to get yourself back out there but definitely allow yourself the time to put those pieces together again.
give it a go? to see the truth for yourself not just by believe in what others say

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