Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is my first year of going to home coming i need some advice?

This is my first year of going to home coming and i need some advice can i just go with friends or do i need to ask a girl im so confused i also would like some dancing tips if any one has got any? Also what do i wear? Thank you so much for answering this question!This is my first year of going to home coming i need some advice?
Well home coming is really just an overall fun dance. If you prefer to go with friends you can, last year i went with all my girlfriends no datesan had a blast. But if alot of your buds are taking dates and you would rather go with a girl and devote your time to her through out the dance , then do that. Theires always a variety of music played, so the moves will come along right their and then. If your home coming is themed then dress along that theme, if not you could go from jeans to a nice button up shirt whith a undershirt, thats what most people at my school wear, nothing to fancy! Hope this helped some! Enjoy your homecoming!This is my first year of going to home coming i need some advice?
If you have the confidence and have a girl in mind that you'd like to ask, then go for it! ask her. but if you don't feel comfortable asking her then just go with friends, as a group, and whilst your there ask a girl to dance with you. :) The dancing; well noone will be able to teach you with words, but if a slow song comes on just go with the rhythem! and lastly what to wear, Just go smart.. but different at the same time. you can never go wron with a tux! but maybe make it a bit different by having a brighter colourd shirt or waistcoat or something.

Hope i helped :)

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