Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice please... should it be like this?

i stopped taking the pill on 26th february and had the withdrawal bleed from 5th march until 9th march, but this was really light, different to usual. my first natural period started yesterday, 26th march, but this is the heaviest period i have ever had. i had to get up in the night and change my clothes because i was so heavy and had leaked. is this normal for the first period after taking the pill?Advice please... should it be like this?
It can take awhile for things to return back to normal, you may have a few heavy bleeds here and there, generally this should settle down within a few months. If not, then see your Doctor.Advice please... should it be like this?
You were taking a hormone and now are not. Your body is adjusting. Once your body acclimates to the hormone change you should begin to have a normal period, however we all are different and our bodies change.

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