Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have just taken on an old foster dog, he is blind and little anxious, any advice?

He is also lame in one of his front legs and has a wound on one of his back legs and is emaciated. I have to restrict his activity to give him a chance to heal, he is not interested in a bully stick and lying down seems to cause him pain, the rescue is sending me some pain meds. Any ideas of how I can entertain him without stressing him out?I have just taken on an old foster dog, he is blind and little anxious, any advice?
Quiet reassurance that he is in a safe place. Small snack treats that he can smell. Rest while you talk to him...gentle caressing touches and telling him he is safe now. Just talking and petting is enough for awhile. He certainly is not going to run around your house blind. You could lead him around in a few days and let him get the smell and feel of it...but do things slowly over days. You are a kind person to do this..%26gt;BLESSI have just taken on an old foster dog, he is blind and little anxious, any advice?
lots of love and patience is about all you can do right now. first he has to learn to trust you.
give him alot of care =]
Have you tried using a Kong? He might enjoy one, and you can stuff it with something that appeals to him. If you need any ideas about dealing with his blindness, try the blinddogs group at Yahoo. I have found them very helpful.
just give a lot of love and care to show him that you are not going to hurt him.
Hey there. Good for you for helping out - maybe he'd be interested in other things, like cream cheese inside a Kong, or a different kind of chewy, or if you soak that bully stick in some water that might work.

Ask the rescue if they can get / borrow a DAP diffuser. This is a pheromone diffusing plug-in that we humans cannot smell, but dogs can. It has a calming effect on most dogs and, though pricey, is well worth the $. If you have dogs of your own, they'll benefit from it too.


I like this one:


PetSmart sells it but it's cheaper online. There's another brand that's cheaper but I think it smells like burnt parrafin, yuck.

Good luck!
comfort him with your voice and pet him while watching t.v.
  • blushed
  • revlon
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