Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do you think Dr. Phill's advice would be to Michael Jackson?

I think the world would be a better place if Dr. Phil retired to do nothing but advise Michael. They could move to an island somewhere and be BFF.What do you think Dr. Phill's advice would be to Michael Jackson?
Stop F***ing little boys!!!!!What do you think Dr. Phill's advice would be to Michael Jackson?
Stop getting face lifts. You already look like an alien!
Well knowing Dr. Phil it would probably be something stupid! Personally I would tell him to just ignore all the lies the press makes up about him and just focus on how much all his fans love him!

鈾モ櫏We Love You Michael!!!!鈾モ櫏
stop sleeping with children and get a real job and destroy neverland
He should probably retire, take good care of his kids, stay way from the plastic surgery and spend a lot more time with his family. Also save his money
Stop messing with your face, please!
stay away from the kids in my family... good-bye!

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