Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are the dog whisperers methods any use? Im getting a puppy and would like advice?

i love the show but, isit realistic?Are the dog whisperers methods any use? Im getting a puppy and would like advice?
yeah ya see, it is very realitic, i use his methods on my dog and he is obedient and respectful.... check his website out still tho.....Are the dog whisperers methods any use? Im getting a puppy and would like advice?
The average dog responds best to positive reinforcement, especially a young puppy. The methods the dog whisperer uses would make most dogs shut down and if you were to inflict those methods on a young puppy you'd have a fearful dog that was terrified of you in no time.

Buy yourself a good book by someone who believes in positve methods in training dogs and uses common sense before you bring your puppy home and you and your puppy will have a much better relationship.
The best part of his show is when it ends.

No, seriously, the best part of his show is that he makes owners responsible for their actions.

However, his training techniques on the dogs are condemed by real dog trainers, animal welfare groups, and animal rescue groups aroung the country.

Puppies don't need aggression therapy like Mr. Milan gives. All you'll do is potentially harm your dog mentally and physically. Stick with positive reinforcement and be consistant and you'll have FAR better results.
His methods work well for me, but I don't have overly aggressive dogs like you see on the show. My dogs are very submissive by nature, so often a good ';shhh!'; corrects them perfectly. Whatever type of training you use, you need to be the pack leader, so the overall concept is pretty universal. But always consult with the professionals, and don't take on more than you can handle. You don't want to cause more harm than good.

Good luck =)
I use his techniques on both of my dogs and it has helped tremendously. I would follow his methods in not letting your dogs go first that you go first through doors stair etc.

Sitting calmly before getting food

A 45 minute walk everyday

His methods work but i wouldn't use some of them if you are unknowlegable in dog behavior. You could get hurt.
You would be far better off to open your phone book.. look in the yellow pages under dog trainers.. and find one in your area to work with.

The show has a disclaimer that states not to attempt the training methods at home.. many of his methods are very outdated, and dangerous.. you may end up with a fearful dog.

Young pups respond well to positive reinforcement. I personally do not believe in ';punishing a dog'; instead, you CORRECT the dog, then praise for the correct action. For example when you catch your pup pottying on the floor, you correct him by telling him NO! then take him straight outside to finish, then praise when he goes outside... or if he is chewing an item thats not his, you correct him by saying ';NO';, removing the item, and immediatly giving an appropriate item.. praise for chewing the proper item.
No in a word they are not good or realistic, they are based on old fashioned ideas and outdated methods.

Have a look here

For some good training tips on pups have a look at these 2 links - they will help you raise a happy well balanced pup that respects you but doesnt fear you.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Good luck with raising your puppy with love and kindess
I love the dog whisperer. His show is very entertaining! Cesar Millan (that's his name). I've tryed doing his tricks and I got his book but personally it doesnt really work. If you want my advice, when you get your dog you should take it to a proffesionall trainer and take dog obedience classes. If you don't want to pay for the classes then you shouldnt get a dog right yet. You could also look and buy an all ready trained dog. Best of luck!
i think they may work, they're just nor realistic for the every day person, especially a first time dog owner.

The most important things to remember are that give lots of positive reinforcement and that dogs live in the now, so if your dog peed in the house while you were out there's no point at screaming at it when you get back!
The only one I have found to work is from ( Its me or the dog!) That is make a high pitch sound to stop the dog from biting and barking!
Let me tell you I have tried them and mostly all have worked for me especially keeping my dog off my bed....Oh i was relieved!!!!!!
there are different methods of training, it works for some but not all.
it says that you should not try it at home so please don't. without proper knowledge you will cause more harm than good

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