Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am traveling to Ecuador this summer for a month any advice?

Any one have advice on what to not do to offend people or any other general advice, like what to pack ETC. I will be staying an hour outside of Quito. ThanksI am traveling to Ecuador this summer for a month any advice?
pack both winter and summer clothes you will run into all kinds of weather, pack things for rain, lots of sunscreen the sun is a lot stronger than it is here. Say Hola to everyone especially when your out in the country (not in Quito). Visit the real center of the earth and the fake one (trust me there are two), go white water rafting, horseback riding, visit a volcano, go to a natural springs, take lots of pics, it is a beautiful place. keep your belongings with you at all times, do not carry a backpack or a purse, keep your passport, id, credit cards etc in a hideable pouch around your neck or waist, dont go anywhere alone esp at night. hang on tight when riding with locals (taxis etc.) they are crazy drivers and there are no seatbelts. Try to learn as much of the language as you possibly can. they tend not to speak very good english outside of Quito. Learn how to bargain when at the market always 1/2 the pice they tell you then work back up, also dont be afraid to walk away even if you really want the item bc they will come running after you agreeing to your price. Dont drink the water unless it is bottled, dont have ice in your drinks, only eat cooked food (no raw veg or fruit unless you are at a resort and someone you trust says it is ok) dont buy food from vendors in markets only from restaurants. In all have a great time. I was there 2 yrs ago and had a blast. In general the ppl there are very nice you just have to watch out for pick pockets when you are at the markets.I am traveling to Ecuador this summer for a month any advice?
All the advice from the first poster was really good, couldn't have said much of that better myself. Pay attention to all of that for real.

Also, keep a Nalgene or similar large water bottle with you at all times since you'll be in the Sierra region. Aside from needing CLEAN water, you just also plain need LOTS of water to help your body adjust to the altitude. You should drink 2 liters a day just to replace the water you lose by breathing at altitude!

Also, take SMALL bills and coins. People get pissed if you try to pay for things with 20 dollar bills, and sometimes even 10s. For taxi rides, drivers don't like it if you try to pay with bills at all. Since even legit businesses don't tend to have change AT ALL, Sacajawea dollar coins are the way to go. It's also considered ostentatious to use a lot of bills somewhere like the market, or anywhere other than a restaurant or if you're buying something big. Plus, pulling out money from one place like a wallet or purse will attract the attention of pickpockets. And they are GOOD. Keep your money spread out in pockets and wallets and your socks whenever you are out in public.

Also, if you are staying with friends or at a pretty legit hotel or hostel, see if you can leave your passport somewhere locked up and carry a COPY with you. Any government checkpoints on the road or opportunities like bungee jumping or renting an ATV will accept a copy of your passport, and then you don't have to worry about hanging onto the real one wherever you go. I'd have a color copy AND a black-and-white copy of the page with your info and photo with you at all times.

Go to the REAL Equator (where the water flushes different ways and you can balance an egg on a nail right on the line), the AND the FAKE Equator (where there is a big monument and more touristy shopping and food). The Basilica is always worth a visit as well.
well, what to pack is clothes for winter and summer the weather here changes dramatically from one day to another, there are cool places here in Ecuador, for example, I live in a city so beautiful basin surrounded by 4 beautiful rivers this city has much history, and if you do not know much Spanish do not worry we know to speak in English too! You can also visit Quito. cathedrals are beautiful there! but remember these cities are a bit cold, if you want to visit beaches I recommend Salinas Punta Blanca, Montanita, Playas and many more! you should travel across la ruta del sol and you will meet many beautiful places but the only place you should go is Esmeraldas! that place is a dream!

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