Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sexual advice, I don't wanna be a min man?

Is there a way that i can practice lasting longer in sexual intercourse or is it just......i don't know? How can i last longer in sex?Sexual advice, I don't wanna be a min man?
Try masturbating for longer periods, learn how it feels when you're at different stages of arousal, this is useful because then you know when to slow down. Also, don't focus on getting to the orgasm when you masturbate, focus on lasting longer. Experiment with tensing and relaxing your body in ways that make you last longer. After a while these become subconscious.

Kegel exercises, try googeling it.

Breathing exercises, I haven't really tried these myself, but I've heard that keeping a steady breathing flow, yoga style, helps.

Finally, if you're still having trouble, there are condoms and creams that reduce the sensation on your penis, making you last longer.

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