Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am planning to knockdown my old house and do a modular I need any advice or tips for this project?

can you recommend reputable companiesI am planning to knockdown my old house and do a modular I need any advice or tips for this project?
Depending on where you live, I know here in florida insurance compaines are nolonger writting new policies for anything other than cement, cinderblock or similar construction. Making sure it is complety up to and above code will be the trick.

Not sure where you are located to reccommend a company, sicne I wouldn't trust living in a modular, even if it were offered free, but if you check the internet, and your yellow pages you maybe able to get started that way.I am planning to knockdown my old house and do a modular I need any advice or tips for this project?
I agree with hillbilly about the fire departments.

Another thing to, is there are salvage hunters that will tear it down for the lumber and anything salvageable. Check the want ads and try running an ad.

I know someone in my area that has done that. I have even been on his wrecking crew. He tore it down for the materials.
before you tear it down check with the fire department they some times will burn them down for you as part of training it would reduce the pile of junk to haul off
Check your friends and or church for a good general contractor..we used a friend from church for an add-on, and he prabably saved us $15 to 20 k

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