Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am thinking of just roaming the Earth for four years, can anyone give me any advice?

I am 27 and have had enough of the spirit crushing 9 to 5 drag and just living for the weekend so I have some money saved and am just going to roam the Earth for 4 years until I am about 31 doing odd jobs in different countries starting with fruit picking in Australia.

Can anyone give me some good advice on places to visit and jobs to do to make some travel money?I am thinking of just roaming the Earth for four years, can anyone give me any advice?
i've done this,

i did a teaching english language course first which enabled me to get work and live in countries where i didn't know the language.

you can do a bar course and of course bar work is good to do if you're roaming the world. having some sort of experience at the very least always helps but is not always necessary

sometimes i busked. do you play at instrument or can you sing?

in some countries i would get a temping office job to get a little more money. i too hate the 9 - 5 but it pays a bit more and you're still having fun because you're in a foreign country.

australia is brilliant make sure you go everywhere, same goes for new zealand. if you can, try and get to islands such as the cook islands, samoa, tonga, raratonga and tokeroa as it's a world apart from other countries and worth the experience. it's also cheap and they are very welcoming people.

do different things such as when visiting say a small island, hire a bicycle and do it that way. this enhances the travel experience and you meet more interesting people by varying your methods of travel.

certain countries in south america and if you go to some parts of asia and the middle east or africa, it's best to have a travel partner. sometimes it's good to travel alone but sometimes there is safety and support in numbers. if you stay in hostels from time to time, longer or shorter term you should meet other travellers doing exactly what you are so you should be able to hook up with people to travel to certain countries with.

congratulations on your decision to have this adventure. i can assure you it's the best education you can have and you'll learn more during your travels than in all your schooling and other things you've done put together.I am thinking of just roaming the Earth for four years, can anyone give me any advice?
Get all your inoculations before leaving.
Seems odd of you to ask for advise. I think only people who have undertaking such a journey could offer any. I doubt that they are here.

I would offer- never forget how to get back home.
invest in good maps.

don't eat Hedysarum alpinium.
can i come ??
While in Australia, go south from Sydney to the Blue Mountains and look for tourist jobs in Jindabyne.

touch base with Globus and Brendan tours for jobs overseas and in Western Europe.

Holland has a chamber of commerce that makes connections with employers

Live it NOW before you get to your 40's
check out this website, may be of some use

australia is easy to get a work visa but its a tedious country and when you are surrounded by english it will start to resemble your 9-5 quite worryingly. 4 years is a long time, especially if your not doing anything specific. Try to find a job you want to do specifically - ive met a lot of australians who kind of drift round the world for years on end without really achieving anything. Im off travelling arond the world for the second time in a week and will be working as i go but it'll be in my chosen vocation - and as its the kind of job that involves a lot of travelling im hoping its essentially a trip that wont end.
Take multivitamins with you.

Eat properly every day to build energy( local fruit etc)

Make sure you wash your hands really well as bugs under nails( mate dysentery Indonesia)

memorise your account number for bank( in case you get bags/ things stolen)

Fruit picking..perfect
Here's one.I've never done it because to apply you must go to Australia for the interview,but I've met people doing it and ,while it doesn't pay that much,it gets you around.In Oz,check out a travel agent called Intrepid,which hires fairly young people to travel around Asia with smallish groups of(often)older people,guiding them onto public transport,finding them fairly cheap accommodation,scoping out restaurants for them and taking them around the tourist sights.I've run into groups doing it in several Asian countries,and the guides they have aren't licensed tour guides,sometimes just young people trying combine a bit of work with a bit of travel.

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