Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm going to be a single dad with 2 kids (boys,11,6) soon.advice needed?

well just love your kids and at there age there will be up and downs just be there when thy need to talk and make shure everything is fine it might be hard not having a mother around and all that so i wish you lot's of luckI'm going to be a single dad with 2 kids (boys,11,6) soon.advice needed?
don't ever eat yellow snow.I'm going to be a single dad with 2 kids (boys,11,6) soon.advice needed?
Best advice I can give is to not be their best friend.

They have friends. What they need most from you is for you to be a parent. Set ground rules and stick to them,

give them chores to do so they can build character, make

sure they know where the fences are so they can feel secure and above all never stop listening to them. That is what kids want the most from their parents. Give them all the love and support you can and when you come to the end of your rope with them...love them even more. They will

thank you in the end. Good luck. You can do this.
Yup, I'm not sure where the mother is going to be in all this but make sure you keep documentation of everything. That way if the mother ever tries to come around %26amp; accuse you of this %26amp; that you have proof.
1. make shore they go to school

2. take some time off work (if you work) and just play games or do somthing with them

3.make shore they do there home work

4.dont get stressed out to much you have a 11 year old just give him some play station games or computer games lol

and for your 6 year old get him heeps of toys or mabi a pet dog LOL
advice in what?

Saying you need ';advice'; is rather a broad and vague statement!

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