Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you try and give advice to someone who is depressed?

go talk to a psychiatrist and psychogist, maybe they need some anti depressants thats y u have to c a psychiatristsHow do you try and give advice to someone who is depressed?
Well, unless you have had serious depression, you will never understand. I think it is better to help the person get chores done. Like offer to cook dinner, or bring a casserole over. Sit and visit, maybe just watching TV. Load up the dishwasher or wash the dishes. Put some music on (hopefully something cheerful!!) Depression feels like when one of your closest loved ones dies, but crying doesn't help. Nothing helps. you just suffer and suffer and suffer and hurt so bad you can't stand to live. It is torture, hell on earth. Now I'm bipolar, so maybe my depression is somewhat different. But it is quite a bad thing to have, so don't think someone can just take your advice, they just don't have the energy.

I'd say if they have something they need help with and you want to give advice, do the thing with them. They would be better off getting out of the house and seeing friends. You might have to pressure them to take a shower. Lay out a nice outfit for them (probably have to dig thru laundry baskets). Etc. etc. Open the drapes and let the sun in, if they are keeping them shut. Go sit outside with them. Get some books on depression, there is usually a chapter on helping someone with depression in there (library has a lot of these books).How do you try and give advice to someone who is depressed?
You talk to them. Its not like they are deaf. Tell them that you are concerned about them and suggest that they go get some help. Listen to them. They are either going to take your advice or leave it but if you think that they are in immediate danger and you are a child than you need to contact someone who will do something about it. If you are an adult you need to turn them into the cops if you want to help them and they havent listened to you yet. This will get them upset with you but it will save their life and whats more important?
No! You don't give them advice, instead you try to cheer them up, do things that can make that person smile and be happy, the most you can say is she/he has you and you care and love her/him, which means a lot. Slowly and gradually if he/she wants to open up, then be a good listener and make that person think positive, tell her to count her blessings and show her how fortunate she is to be blessed with all the good things in life, such as ------ etc, etc
See depression treatments/resources at on page 2, and print out, or note relevant parts, put in a folder or envelope and give/send to the person concerned, for them to peruse in their own time, otherwise they may resent you, for trying to tell them how to lead their life. Try to get them to do the candlegazing with you, and give them a supply of candles, if interested, and see if they will come for a 20 min walk with you.
most the time just letting them vent helps.

If it is a very serious depression then suggesting they get help and that you will help them do that, soon.

If suicide is mentioned then you need to get help for them pronto.

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