Sunday, August 22, 2010

I want to end a relationship that is making me unhappy- need some advice?

My fiance lies to me all the time and keeps secrets and won't stop! I decided to leave. I need some advice on this: how do I make the transition smooth? I want to end it on good terms with no revenge or bad feelings between us. I also want to start moving on. What is the best way to get over the pain he caused me and over the attachment I developed for him over the years? I just want to be happy again.I want to end a relationship that is making me unhappy- need some advice?
First off, good for you. :)

I would suggest sitting him down in a public place and talking to him. If he's an angry person, then I would make sure you have a friend nearby to watch out for you. Make arrangements to get your stuff out as soon as possible so you won't have to keep seeing him every other day while you go to get things out randomly. I would also suggest not talking for awhile. It's important that you move on on your own, without him. Once the two of you are both in a happier, more positive place then I would start gradually bringing up friendship. But you need to make sure you're in a more stable position before you start a friendship.

Of course it's hard to get over something like this, especially when you've invested so much time and energy of your life. But surround yourself with friends! And don't rush getting over it. It'll take time, so let it. One day you'll wake up and you'll be over it- but don't force it or it'll all come back to you in the end. If you can, even move in with a friend for a month or so while you learn to be single again. Good luck! :)I want to end a relationship that is making me unhappy- need some advice?
any future relationship that is not based on trust-is doomed-no one can be trusted if that person has fouled up a few times, coz it will happen again! and there is really no such thing as a clean breakup-so there will be fragments of pain coz you had good times, so don't guilt yourself about that aspect-just do what you have to in a civil, clear way as durgas suggested-but have no ties with your fiance, coz it will rebound and like super crazy gum, you'll keep going back and not moving on-surround yourself with happy people, friends, relatives and work that gives you time to think of other things, not your ex fiance-you have one shot to live,don't settle-and don't be miserable! life is short, no need for drama!

good luck!
Good on you for making the decision to leave. Be nice, gentle, gracious and clear to him. A cliched saying, but only time will mend. Getting back on the horse always helps too.
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