Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am a white belt and am a little confused about form. We did a front block a punch then kick any advice?

your question is a little vague as to what you don't understand.

when practicing form think of an invisible attacker trying to punch you. use your front block to not get hit, then counter attack with your punch. as the attacker is knocked back a little from the punch, kick them. that is a basic breakdown for that combo. get a classmate to practice that with you. start out slowly to ensure correct form but slowly it will become a reflexive response to a frontal attack.

Repetitive training will develop the muscle memory necessary to do more complex combinations. practicing with partners will teach you distancing(the ability to know the range needed for kicks, punches and blocks.)

hope this helps, if not elaborate on whats giving you trouble.I am a white belt and am a little confused about form. We did a front block a punch then kick any advice?
What style of martial arts would help but whatever happens just focus. And block, kick, punch, or whatever do it like you mean. You fight the way you train. If you train hard and well you will fight hard and well. If you train lazily and sloppy you will most likely not succed in a fight. And remember form is important. Try your hardest to get it right, but dont beat yourself up if you dont or if you cant. All i can say is try your best.I am a white belt and am a little confused about form. We did a front block a punch then kick any advice?
If you want a answer then you must be a bit more detailed in your question.

1 - What style do you do?

2 - What advice do you want?

3 - How are you confused?

You must tell us these things before I (we) can give you a real answer that is more then just speculation.
my suggestion is to ask the instructor. you didn't really give us enough info to help more than that, and the instructor would know best the way he wants you to do it. don't be afraid to ask the instructor questions; that's what he's there for!
Forms are useless. Thats all you need to know.
you gotta say the style

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