Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am getting a divorce, any advice on how to deal with the loneliness?

We really didn't match and I think that we are going to better off without one another. But I am so scared of being alone. Any advice on how to get used to be alone? I am not really as we have two kids, but I will miss the comfort and security of having a husband, even if it was a bad one. I don't want to rush into the sack with some other guy, so if that is your advice, please, leave it unsaid.I am getting a divorce, any advice on how to deal with the loneliness?
I got a couple ideas for you....hang out with your girlfriends, make mini-trips, and/or pick up a hobby (Crafting, collecting, writing....whatever it may be). Good luck...divorce is a struggle and make sure you are doing the right thing!I am getting a divorce, any advice on how to deal with the loneliness?
Keep yourself as busy as possible - with two kids around I think that'll probably be quite easy!

When my ex and I split I redecorated the bedroom, I didn't want anything in there to remind me of him. This took a lot of work and kept my mind off of him.

Clean the house from top to bottom, start baking - you'd be surprised how quickly time disappears just making a batch of fairy cakes or Cookies. Remember though, baking is one thing, don't eat EVERYTHING you bake! Share out amongst friends and family.

Speaking of friends and family, arrange to meet up with them, even just for a coffee to get you out of the house for a bit :-)

Take up some new hobbies, learn a language, go to a class at your local college/school and learn something that's always interested you but you never had time for before.

There's no quick fix for loneliness - you will need to put an end to it yourself - but trust me, keeping busy and trying new things really helps.

Good luck x
Keep yourself BUSY BUSY BUSY!! The busier you are, the less time you'll have to sit and think about being lonely.

Get out and exercise, it release endorphins which make you happy! If you don't have the money to join a gym just exercise around your house. Go for walks, jog, etc. you can even take your kids with you if you want.

Start a new project around your house, whether it's painting a room or rearranging some furniture- the change of scenery will help you get past those old memories.

Finally, surround yourself with friends and family who care about you and your kids. It's always important to have a support system during a hard time like this.

For the people who tell you ';just get over it';- they obviously don't realize how hard something like this can be. It takes time, don't deny yourself the hurt either, a good cry is acceptable, you don't have to be tough 100% of the time, this is a draining experience, but in the end, you will be better off because your children deserve a happy mother!

Good luck!
You are very wise to be aware of the impact of lonliness. The solution is as variable as the person going through it.

We have friends that experienced this and one child. Stay involved in family and friends. Church if you are so inclined.

Avoid rushing into a realtionship.

Alone is not what you may anticipate and for the time you are raising your family it will free you to concrete decision making and empower you to do well for yourself and your children.

Wish that I had a magic pill for you.

It will be hard at first.

Remind yourself why you are making this choice and stay true to the fact that you are worth happiness.
I kept myself busy. I volunteered one night a week and took up a part time job every other weekend. I kept Thursday night open for dinner with old girlfriends that I had lost contact with over the years. It was a great way to catch up on what's been happening in their lives and I was able to rekindle some friendships that I had forgotten about or let go to the wayside. Life gets busy when you have kids. I would be as involved with them and their activities and maybe get to know some of their friends moms, some of them must be divorced too you would think. If you start feeling too lonely, call someone. It's good to cry and it's good to be alone but if you get terribly depressed, please see your Dr. Good luck and stay strong. Get a support network going for yoursel!
If you are looking for comfort and security, get a dog. Much more reliable.
Gather up the girls, it is time to enjoy you single-ness!!
DO NOT DIVORCE !!! go to counceling
focus on being the best mother to your children, men will come in time...

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