Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you really live by the advice you give? Be honest.?

I notice people are always dishing out advice to people on matters of love, happiness and success. But if someone had to do an evalutaion on your life, would they find that you really live by the advice you give or the complete opposite?Do you really live by the advice you give? Be honest.?
No i dont believe in giving adviceDo you really live by the advice you give? Be honest.?
Giving and receiving advices is strictly prohibited in my school of thought...
i try to apply all the advice i give in my own life. but all situations are different and cant be compared to one another. on the other hand i must be honest and say that i don't always follow my own advice. so to answer the question i would say 50/50. sometimes i follow my own advice, other times, i through it to the wind and do the things i know i shouldn't be doing.
I live by my own advice that I give. If I didn't I wouldn't be on here. If I were to be evaluated on this matter I would not be the opposite of my word.
I do-

I only answer questions that I can give real-world experience advice about.

Can't give advice on what has not been experienced, not any that's worth a damn, anyway.

Plus opinions are like a$$holes- everyone's got one %26amp; it STINKS!!!!
well. Just they use to ask their questions just to notice how people react for that. But the questionnaire might have his own answer already. He/she is not going to take this answers seriously.

Even the people who gives answers/advice to others wont maintain it in their life. ( It includes U and me too)

note: It suits for ur question too.
Yep,sure do.I'm always advising my single white male friends to find them a sexy sistah to date(-;
I don't give advice, if I don't follow it myself.
I sure do!
Yes. The things I choose to give advice on are usually things that I have gone through and use those experiences to try to help out other people.
Yes each time
i will give advice only if i do it, honestly
Well I'm sure just like me people who give advice realize two things as they are doing it. One they are speaking from experience of what they have encountered or worked for them. Or two they are speaking of advice that they know may work for others but not for themselves, and I just thought of an third.....sometimes the advice u give just flows from ur thoughts to ur mouth and in many cases people do not live by taking their own advice, which is why some people come to sites like these. How about u?
no, becuase i don't always have their same problems but it's easier to see it from the outside than urself, it's hard to give urself advice, cuz u don't see it the same way someone else does
no. my own inspiration are my goals. not the advice from others. you should try to be different.

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