Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can any lady here be my friend on messenger n help me with some guy advice.?

I recently found myself in a predicument that I have never been into before. I dont know what to chose to do but I know I have to make a decision soon and I need advice from another womans point of view. You can message me on yahoo.Can any lady here be my friend on messenger n help me with some guy advice.?
yes. i have a lot of experiance w/ guy problems. my e-mail address is xocaroline711ox@yahoo.comCan any lady here be my friend on messenger n help me with some guy advice.?
any tyme ur ready im here rforman68yahoo
sure.... if u have a myspace, hit me up! i hardly check my email sooo that wouldnt be good. sooo if u have a ms, tell me!
eah you cant just be friends like asking them too!

thats just weird dudette!

you have to like answere all their questions and like say bonus stuff on it man!

ok theres my advice
i m no lady but i m sure i can help u
I will, My name is..Anne lol i'll be ur friend im pretty cool!
i can help you if you voit for and make me has 10s i will hels you i has alot of guy that you love.

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