Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A question for people that were young mothers and will actually give me some advice and not be a jerk!?

did you stay with the man that got you pregnant even if he is a pill because he is the father of your child?A question for people that were young mothers and will actually give me some advice and not be a jerk!?
DONT stay with him and make yourself miserable for your child! everything will work out and you will find someone that treats you right and loves your child just as much as the biological father does. and he can still be in your childs life but he doesnt have to be in yours to ruin it!

get out while you can! it will all work outA question for people that were young mothers and will actually give me some advice and not be a jerk!?
he sounds like a dickk.

dont stay w. him because he will harm you and your baby.

i am waiting to see if i am pregnant and i am young in my early teens, and if i am i will not stay with the guy who got me pregnant because he is an asss and will only hurt me more.
As the grown child of young parents I don't think you should stay with the guy if your not happy or if he doesn't treat you right. It sets a bad example for your child and they may feel guilty later on in life that you gave your own happiness for them.
You stay with a man because you love him, not because of a child. Either way, you two are connected for life because of the baby. You don't have to be in a relationship to make a baby, and you don't need to be in one to raise one. You need to not think about yourself anymore and think about what's best for your unborn child.
hi em if the father is an idiot then no because he will end up hurting you and treating you and the baby unfairly. my hubby did not want the baby when i fell preg at 19 but later decided he did and he stuck by me.
don't stay with him just because you are pregnant. if he wants to see the baby, let him. if he doesn't, make sure you get his money and you will be fine raising the baby. if he isn't treating you right he wont treat the baby right and that could do alot of damage to the baby.( you don't think it will when they are still little but thats when they form trust). good luck. follow your heart!
Nope, because he was an ****. Your guy sounds like one 2, you are better off by yourself that with a jerk, so will your baby be x
It's just my opinion, but you should never stay in a relationship just for the child. If this man is not doing right by you, you can't expect him to do right by your child. If he is immature in his relationship with you, he will be immature as a father to his child. And also, you wouldn't want your child to grow up in a loveless home, or thinking that one-sided love is what love is.

Once again, just my opinion.
I know exactly where you are coming from. I'm 19 and pregnant from my ex. I actually broke up with him after I found out I was pregnant because I realized then how unhealthy out relationship was. My baby will also be my ex's 2nd kid, he has full custody of his other. When I told him I was pregnant him and his whole family accused me of trying to trap him and they are just totally unsupportive. But I realized that I now have someone else to think about and couldn't deal with the stress of trying to make things work in a dead end relationship. That baby is now the most important thing in your life and you have to do what is best for you and your unborn child. Leaving my ex was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and is still a daily challenge becuase he still trys to get me back but I know its not sincere. Just think aobut it and do what you think is best. Good Luck!!

[[and you deserve better then him, I know I don't know you or him, but i have read oyur questions and his and you don't deserve that. He sounds like an a*s]]
I don't understand what you mean when you say he is a ';pill';, but if he is an idiot, I would leave him. Fortunately, the father of my baby and I are getting married and he helps 100%. If the father of your baby is scum, don't stay with him.
well i don't know what young has to do with it but i'm 21 and 5 months preggy with my third baby.

I was 18 when we (me and my husband) planned to have a baby.
If the man who got you pregnant will be a strong/positive person and influence to your child then that is a no brainer, right?

If he is irresponsible, mean, and not helpful why would he be beneficial to you or the child?

Don't stay just because he is the father, ultimately that can cause more harm then good if he is no good.
My first husband was my high school sweetheart and we got pregnant right after I graduated. I married him only for it to end in divorce. I married him because growing up we are taught to date, get married, then have children. I felt because I had been irresponsible I needed to marry him to prove I was ';Grown Up';. I had to learn someone that has issues isn't going to be fixed because you marry them or have a baby. I would have been so much better off putting myself through college and raising the baby by myself from the beginning. 14 years later and I am doing it anyway. If you believe in prayer, pray. But never stay with a man just because his sperm got you pregnant. There are a lot of worthy men out there that would treat you and your child as there own.
I did. Thank goodness he grew out of it! He was a big jurk. Now he is a man I am proud to call my Husband! I love him more today than the day I got that pos. pregnancy test. People ask, if I would do it all over again. ';YES I WOULD';
Don't stay with him. If he has a chance to hurt you, or puts stress on you don't stay with him. Putting stress on you wont help your child, I should know. I'm going through it. If he is a jerk and is putting you through crap it isn't worth it, the child doesn't need a father like that always around.

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