Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am absolutely petrified of flying. Can anyone give me any advice of something i can take to calm me down?

it doesn't matter how much people say you'll be fine and feed with with statistics of how unlikely a plane will crash it makes no difference what so ever. I am terrified. Last year was first time flying so thought nothing off it but once i was on the plane i totally freaked out. I go all hot and hyper ventilate. Please any advice would be great. Does Rescue Remedy work?I am absolutely petrified of flying. Can anyone give me any advice of something i can take to calm me down?
well in your case all i can say is go to a doctor and get him to prescribe you xanax or some kind of strong sleeping medication.I am absolutely petrified of flying. Can anyone give me any advice of something i can take to calm me down?
I can't recommend this website enough:

It's what helped me overcome my terror of flying. I still get a little nervous before flights, but I can now fly comfortably and enjoy myself. Not only will it teach you what all the noises and sensations are on a plane, and how the design of a plane makes flying so safe, but it also discusses flying anxiety and gives you the tools to overcome it. It also gives you ways to calm down if you 'freak out' or have a panic attack.
take some sleeping pills when ur on u will forget about it later
it is really all mind over matter.

i used to have to take sedatives to step into a plane.

now, i still take a xanax or 2, but remember, it is sooo much a MENTAL thing,

i just figure if it is my time to go, then it is time %26amp;

if everything goes well, then i will have a fabulous story %26amp; vacation memories for the rest of my life %26amp; if not ??

well, my family can take a nice long vacation with the $ from the airlines will give them

also having an ipod, headphones blocks out alot of the normal '; flying '; sounds that might freak you out, but are normal
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