Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My 2 year old son doesn't want my husband to hold him & just wants to be with me all the time - any advice?!?

My son who is now 4 1/2 was like that - really clingy with me, and would go to me rather than my husband right from when he was a baby till about 2 or so. What we did was:

Take turns putting him to bed, this was a big issue for us as he only wanted me and no one else to put him to bed, we started off by both of us doing it together and then easing back to my husband reading him his book while I was in the room, also being quite firm about this - we had to say sometimes - no its Daddys turn to put you to bed tonight, if you don't like it then he will just leave the room (instead of book, chat etc)

We also made sure that we both disciplined him - if my husband was around when he did something naughty he would put him in time out not just me - so that he realised that mummy and daddy are a team and can't play one against the other and no good cop bad cop senario.

My husband and I have sleep in days on the weekend - mine is Saturdays and his is Sundays - on Saturdays he had to learn that is would be Daddy getting up and getting his breakfast and spending time with him (this took awhile for him to get used to and he would quite often scream and cry and the hallway door after breakfast because he wanted to see me - but because we were firm on this he got used to the idea)

Lastly my husband would take him on 'Boy Missions' - where they would go somewhere without me and do something really cool - like play on the four wheel bikes and nana and poppas or go to Pet City to look at the animals or whatever.

We now have a daughter who is 21 months and has a completley different personality - our son still loves going on boy missions without me or his sister and loves spending time with his Dad.

All the best - hope this has been some help.

My 2 year old son doesn't want my husband to hold him %26amp; just wants to be with me all the time - any advice?!?
I and my husband live in different parts of the world because of work. I and my daughter get to see him for 2 weeks every quarter. My daughter bonds very well with her dad. She is now 3 years and 5 months. When she was 2, when we picked up my husband at the airport, my daughter will not go to him but after a few hours, she was all over him.

What I did and still do is that when we have to be apart, I always talk to my daughter about her dad. They talk on the phone every now and then. This way, she has a very good feeling about her dad.

I think it's important that mum plays a role in bringing the positive side of dad to show to the kid. I am still nursing my duaghter even at her age so surely she clings on to me more than to my husband but their relationship is also superb. My husband makes sure he spends good time with her too like baking, playing, bathting, etc.

Good luck. Keep trying. It's not too late to start now.My 2 year old son doesn't want my husband to hold him %26amp; just wants to be with me all the time - any advice?!?
Bonding time! Make your husband do a certain thing or things with him. To make sure my daughter gets her time with my husband when he gets home they always have dessert after dinner on the couch watching her choice of TV show and then he reads her a story and puts her to sleep. They do this every night any everyday she asks when daddys coming home.
i have a different point of view which someone told me about. If the mum does not feel good about dad (either bcos he is insensitive or bcos he cannot spend time with her and the baby or bcos he does not help around the house... ) then the kid is more likely to stick to you than agree to be with daddy.. I am not sure if it is true.. comments are welcome.
He's just two years old. He will go to daddy when he grows up a little more. Ask your husband to give you and the child some more time.
i thinkyou spend more time with your son then he does. I recommend that you should make him spend more time with the child so that he accepts and loves you both equally.
seems like your husband and your son needs some bonding time.. get him to take your son the park... and do something special ,just your husband and your son.

good luck xx

your son needs to spend some time with your husband.

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