My mum and my grandma (especially) are always putting me down and they are always are putting down by saying i'll never make anything of myself, is it ok for me to hate them? i mean not say anything to them, just think it somethimes?My mum and my Grandma are always putting me down i need some advice?
i must agree you need to prove them wrong get out there do what you have to get job if you not got one or if you have make a go of it dont hate them they are just worried so go on make something of yourself prove them and critics wrong My mum and my Grandma are always putting me down i need some advice?
i mena..of corse you can be mad...angry......resentful to them SOMTIMEs....but their family so u cant u know...hate them....but do u know what...if they dont believe in you then you got to believe in know what u can do...they know how u feel....tey prove them wrong....wen ur mom or grama says that....say yes i can.....i know i can....and just walk away....if ur grandma is anything like mine she will say...dont back talk me missy....and if ur grandma is like that and says that u say...i wasnt....i was telling u the truth.....:) girl i know u can do it...u just gotta know u can do it
Some resentment is understandable, the best thing you can do is prove tham wrong by doing something great
hmm.. uhh.. you can't hate them exactly but you can dislike them for putting you down
But maybe you are sensitive. and it just hurts you. i was like that too. then i got teased and stuff so i toughned up
they should not be doing this, maybe they are using reverse psychology on you and are doing it because they want you to make something of your life. do not waste your time hating them just get on with what you want to do about your future. thing is if you live at home and they are unhappy with your efforts they may ask you to leave so get yourself prepared for an independant future.
its the same situation for me . You just think you hate them, sit them down and explain how you feel, im sure they dont realise what they are doing.just explain to them that you are your own person and you have your own dreams and opinions
i'm nearly 40 and over the last 5 years i have realized that no matter how hard i try to gain my mums approval - i never ever will. i have had many achievements in my life and i recognize them now. before i felt like the 'black sheep' of the family. disappointment was what i expected from my mum and over the last few years from my dad. i felt inadequate. starting a new job i'd wonder how long before i'd be rumbled and in trouble etc...i leave the country in a few weeks to live abroad with my aunt - she's there for same reason - 30yrs ago! i will be able to be me without chastising! its not easy but hey, acceptance is liberating. my parents do love me and i them - but its a sad situation.
i dont think u hate them, becuz they are ur family. but do something
to prove them wrong.
yes it is ok to hate them their not making youu feel good about your self, try talking to youur mum and explain to her hows shes making youuu feel and ask her to support you instead of putting you down and they only want youu to do well in life :]
what i think u should do is tell them how they r making u feel and have a serious talk with them. they shouldnt be putting u down they should be encouraging u. so this is where u prove them wrong. find something u enjoy doing like a hobby its dancing,acting,modelling or what ever, and stick at well and succeed.i know how it feels to be put down as i got bullied at school for just over 1 year and everyone thought i was 13 years old and im the one with a modelling agency and an acting agency.its me thats going to be doing well while they will probably end up without a job,without any money and at the end of the day,they wont have now i have proved them wrong ..i can do well even after being put down by them so u should do the same and prove ur mum and grandma wrong.prove to them u will make something of urself...just when the times right and maybe just now isnt the right time. good luck!!
Yeah, it is okay to think. no-one can stop you thinking! and only you will ever know your own thoughts.
But you should talk to your mum and grandma about how they're making you feel. tell them that what they're saying is actually making it worse and not helping. Your mum and grandma should be the first people to support you in everything, not putting you down. So, I think you need to sit down and talk to them!
It's too hard to say and get an exact answer! I personally suggest you refer to the ';Ask April Dating Tips'; on ---http:// for more good advice for your question.
Don't hate them - just don't believe them!
For a start their idea of ';Making something of yourself'; may not be the same as yours. You have your own hopes and ambitions for life which they have no business judging.
For seconds, they might just (in a strange misguided way) be trying to help because they think it will motivate you to prove them wrong (I don't know them but could this be true?) I don't agree with this sort of tactic but some people are weird.
For thirds, what have they made of their lives? If they are both successful then they may just be forgetting what it was like to be starting out. If they have both led lives that are (for want of a better word) ';ordinary'; then they may just be expressing their own bitterness and disappointment; they may even be jealous if they see theat you have potential.
This last option is the most negative, but it makes them more deserving of pity than hate.
No matter what you think I would just (if you can) ignore their unkind words. They are simply wrong, it's your choice to do what you want with you life and you can do whatever you want (or... not, if you so choose) if you put your mind to it.
One final thing - if they actually get to the point of actively blocking your pursuits then that is seriously messed up and you should do whatever you can to stop them - up to and including ditching them if you have that option.
All the best for the future
You don't say how old you are? But that doesn't really matter. When people say such negative things to us, it hurts, right? Doesn't matter what age we are.
They probably think they are saying these things 'for your own good' - but you know that this is a funny way of inspiring someone.
I had a similar situation when I was 17. My Mum always said I would be a 'nobody' - well everybody is somebody, so that's ignorant to start with, yes?
Try hard in school - not to prove them wrong - but to prove yourself right. The only person that counts in this world is you, at this point in time. Nobody is going to put in the work or the effort - that's all down to you.
Sometimes when we think we hate somebody (we often don't) it's just a way of saying how upset we are. After all, the opposite of love is indifference, not hate.
Good luck and work hard. Enjoy life and your place in it.
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